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Green in BKLYN

Green in BKLYN

432 Myrtle Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11205
Between Clinton & Waverly Avenues
(718) 855-4383

Green in BKLYN has been reviewed by ZTrend.
Green in BKLYN
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Green in BKLYN can be described with one word: convenient. The store is a one-stop shop that supplies eco-friendly items such as natural body care and biodegradable products that have little or no impact on the environment. The founder of Green in BKLYN, Elissa Olin, has always been conscious of the environment and would find herself having to shop multiple stores in New York City to complete her "green" shopping list. Olin came up with the idea of offering various eco-friendly and fair trade goods in one location in order to make living a green lifestyle much easier. Green in BKLYN offers: cleaning supplies, towels, energy savers, beauty products, coffees, teas, books as well as a variety of other products. Before Green in BKLYN opened, there was no shop in the area dedicated to green alternatives for those who want to live a healthy green life. At Green in BKLYN there’s something for everyone to take their first step in the right direction and reduce their carbon footprint.

To see the entire list of the products Green in BKLYN has to offer, see the photo gallery, or read testimonials, visit Green in BKLYN's website or drop by and visit the store on Myrtle Avenue while you are in the neighborhood.

Written by Sochima Atikpoh

Since its inception on April 22, 2009, being green in Brooklyn has been a whole lot simpler. Green in BKLYN is a mini department and home goods store focused on daily green living. Offering full customer service and one-stop shopping for a greener home and life, this store is perfect for the environmentally conscious. Green is more than just a color, and Elissa Olin, owner of Green in BKLYN, will steer you in the right direction for eco-friendly alternatives.

After having to make multiple trips to various different locales to fulfill her green shopping needs, Olin decided that the community was in need of a store where everything could be found in one place. As a dedicated member of the community, Olin cares about her neighborhood and the products offered. Her store shows New Yorkers how easy it is to join the green movement with products that have a low impact on the global environment and it's peoples. There are a diverse assortment of imported Fair Trade items, like rubber wallets, cosmetic cases, coffee mugs, and even innovative water-powered alarm clocks.

Previously a medical center, Green in BKLYN has livened up the storefront as a trendy boutique where the products, as well as the store itself, leave as small a footprint as possible. The store was designed using recycled particle board, and a salvaged door from the previous medical center now serves as a large table. The Atlantic Bell Ladder was recycled from another store in the area, while re-purposed overhead lighting was provided by a local coffee shop. The recycled pressed-tin used in the store's decor is from an old drop ceiling, and many other pieces are from local second-hand stores.

With neighborhood beautification in mind, the Myrtle Avenue Brooklyn Business Improvement District decided that all new stores would be required to relocate their security gates to the store's interior. It took some time, but Olin found an installer to relocate the existing gate into the interior of the store - another green move on her part. Take a glimpse of what the store looked like during its renovation on Green in BKLYN's website.

Spreading the word, Green in BKLYN's website is a dependable news-source on green initiatives. With over 50 fresh and fun tips, being green has never been easier. Click on the "3/50 project" icon located on the Green in BKLYN's main page and read how one person can make an economic difference in the economy now and in the future. Be a part of the latest "Spend Trend," by picking 3 stores/spending $50 and generating community revenue. According to the 3/50 project, for every $100 spent in locally owned independent stores, $68 is returned to the community.

Green in BKLYN is the perfect introduction to green living for those interested in helping the environment. Discover affordable alternatives to toxic products that are used daily in the average household. From beauty products like Priti nail polish (no toluene, formaldehyde or BDPs), stationery, baby items, pet supplies, and imaginative gifts, this store is filled with eco-friendly products fit for the green revolution.

Edited by Rebecca Benison
Last Update: 2023-01-25 11:43:08


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