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19 Christopher Street
New York, NY 10014
Gas Bijoux
238 Mott Street
New York, NY 10012
Illisa's Vintage Lingerie
1050 2nd Avenue
New York, NY 10022
Eye Candy
225 West 23rd Street
New York, NY 10012
Valley Shepherd Creamery valley shepherd creamery
Valley Shepherd Creamery
Valley Shepherd Creamery is Park Slope's only farm-owned cheese shop, selling single origin Pyrenees style cave-aged artisanal cheeses. Adopting Europe's old-world techniques, owners Eran Wajswol and Debra Van Sickle have recreated a European sheep farm and creamery in Long Valley, N.J.

At any . . . more
211 7th Avenue
Eye Candy has been reviewed by ZTrend.

Shop: (347) 889-5508

park slope
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