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Greecologies Yogurt Lab - Little Italy

Greecologies Yogurt Lab - Little Italy

379 Broome Street
New York, NY 10013
Between Mulberry & Mott Streets
(212) 941-0100

Authentic Greek yogurt and small bites.
Greecologies Yogurt Lab - Little Italy has been reviewed by ZTrend.
Greecologies Yogurt Lab - Little Italy
Click here to view a full map to Greecologies Yogurt Lab - Little Italy.


A healthy and unmatched experience is to be savored at Greecologies, New York City's one-and-only Greek yogurt lab. Attention to detail is the key factor, with its refreshingly sleek yet earthy interior, and devotion to the production of genuine Greek yogurt made on premise, with a window to watch the yogurtists in action. Fresh local ingredients are paired with purely grassfed dairy, sourced from a small herd of Jersey cows grazing green pastures in Middletown New York. This yogurt is not only delicious, its composition is healthier than commercial varieties, due to the cow's lifestyle and diet alongside small farming practices free from industrial pollution. In addition to the traditional Greek toppings offered, the cafe's menu includes ultra-fresh Greek salad and stuffed grape leaves to be enjoyed in the high-ceilinged cafe or out back on the spacious patio during warmer weather.

Written by: Sabrina Tate


* While ZTrend strives to write fact-based pieces about New York City's small boutiques, "splash visit" profiles may contain inaccuracies, as "splash visits" are merely the interpretation of the writer's first-hand experience and should not to be relied upon as fact.


Last Update: 2017-08-02 14:21:39


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  Click here to view a full map to Greecologies Yogurt Lab - Little Italy. Use Best Parking to find the nearest parking spot to Greecologies Yogurt Lab - Little Italy.          





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