Young parents and “little ones” alike will fall in love with Piccolini, a sweet boutique filled with adorable gift-able items and clothing for newborns and toddlers. New York born and bred, Owner, Alexandra Zagami treasures the tradition of being a part of the neighborhood and watching . . . more |
167 Mott Street
Kyotoya is a small Japanese boutique specializing in vintage and antique kimonos for men, women and children. Reiko Goto, proprietor of Kyotoya, travels to Kyoto each year, where she hand selects the kimonos for her store, which is located in the Flatiron district of New York City.
Kimonos are . . . more |
23 West 19th Street
Warm boutique brings the romance of the tropics to New York City. Located on the fringe of Chinatown this boutique can be easily missed. Influenced by the warmth of the Hawaiian Islands, husband and wife team up to stock the boutique with everything fashionable that goes well with 'warm.' The shop . . . more |