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Hanamizuki Japanese Cafe

Hanamizuki Japanese Cafe

143 West 29th Street
New York, NY 10001
Between 6th & 7th Avenues
(212) 695-5533

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Hanamizuki Japanese Cafe
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Hanamizuki's Japanese inspired menu offers an afternoon bite that is not only savory, but light enough to keep your energy up throughout the day. The cafe's relaxing environment is the perfect spot to meet a friend without spending a fortune on food. Enjoy well-priced triangle rice snacks, also known as "Omusbi" available in a variety of flavors, suitable for vegans as well as those who enjoy meat in their diets. Sweets include cookies, cakes, Crème brûlée, and ice cream rice sandwiches, as well as special desserts such as black sesame custard, all pair perfectly with coffee or tea.


* While ZTrend strives to write fact-based pieces about New York City's small boutiques, "splash visit" profiles may contain inaccuracies, as "splash visits" are merely the interpretation of the writer's first-hand experience and should not to be relied upon as fact.


If white French-glass doors conjures up a retreat on the countryside, you're not far off. Serving delicious bites, soups and beverages, the small cafe was originally thought up as a peaceful place for upstairs laser clients to relax with a refreshing beverage and small snack before and after treatments. The tranquil interior with alabaster walls and high ceilings is unique to the Chelsea neighborhood, an area known for commercial business, has caught the eye of many passers by, making it the ideal place for an afternoon pick-me-up treat.

The Japanese inspired menu is conductive to good health: uncomplicated, inexpensive and very tasty. Satisfy your mid-day hunger for under $10 while enjoying your meal in a peaceful environment. Daily options include delicious soups and herbed triangular shaped "Omusbi", also known as a picnic lunch box rice snack, available in a variety of vegan, pescetarian, and meat options. Enjoy "Asazuke Tsukemono" Japanese pickled vegetables -- excellent for digestion. For dessert there are home baked cookies, custards, chiffon cakes and ice cream rice cake sandwiches. Healthy drink choices include chilled bottled beverages as well as fresh brewed La Colombe coffee and Paromi Teas.

In Japan, from the end of April until the beginning of May, nature unveils the blooming of mystic Hanamizuki flower. Hanamizuki is not only a valuable ornamental specie of the flowering Dogwood tree, it is a magical plant with medicinal properties as well as a soil improver in nature. Its seeds are a favorite among songbirds and forest animals, while providing shelter and habitat for many wildlife species. For Jumi Fujiwara, cafe and Excy Laser spa owner, she has chosen Hanamizuki as the name of her cafe simply because she finds the flower so beautiful.

Written by Sabrina Tate
Last Update: 2015-05-23 13:28:55


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