When you shop at The Thrifty HoG charity shop, you are not only treating yourself to quality vintage and high end fashion, but you are also making a difference in the lives of homeless mothers and their children. HoG is short for Hearts of Gold, a not-for-profit organization that came about in 1996 . . . more |
City Opera Thrift Shop supports the creation and design of costumes for productions at the New York City Opera. Browse two floors of gently used articles and clothing for men and women, while classical music softly plays throughout the store. The main room has the look and feel of a large spacious . . . more |
We sell the goodies on display in our Third Avenue window by an informal silent auction. Here's how it works:
You'll find a typed list of the items included in each window display (north window & south window) near our store register —each item is assigned an identifying number, description, . . . more |
Fashion hounds guised as bargain hunters, roll up their sleeves at this legendary international charitable organization for the unmatchable deals and steals. Armed with patience they skillfully comb through the racks of unkempt clothing. This may just be the dirtiest little secret in the thrift . . . more |
Animal lovers come to the rescue when donating their gently used items, and when shopping at Pawz for Cauz Thrift Shop, a non profit organization providing financial funds and supplies to animal welfare organizations, rescue groups, and no-kill shelters since 2010. The shop features a nice . . . more |
Fashion hounds guised as bargain hunters, roll up their sleeves at this legendary international charitable organization for the unmatchable deals and steals. Armed with patience they skillfully comb through the racks of unkempt clothing. This may just be the dirtiest little secret in the thrift . . . more |
(212) 757-2311
hell's kitchen |